Hit Song Moneyball

Using Compositional Data to Make
Strategic Songwriting, Production and Business Decisions

Hit Song Moneyball was first presented by Hit Songs Deconstructed at the Music Business Association's Annual Conference, MusicBiz 2018.

Today’s music industry has become more and more reliant on data for sales, streams, downloads, engagement and other like metrics. Compositional analytics are equally important.

Led by Hit Songs Deconstructed Co-Founders Yael and David Penn, this presentation focuses on current trends and how compositional data points extracted from hit songs can be strategically used to make songwriting and business decisions.

The presentation includes an overview of Billboard Hot 100 Top 10 compositional trends, a look at the evolution of songwriting memes and how artists have capitalized on them, and a benchmarking of two singles to uncover potential reasons why one rose to the top of the charts while the other did not.

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About Hit Songs Deconstructed

Hit Songs Deconstructed is your gateway to understanding today's mainstream music scene at the compositional level, providing you with of cutting-edge tools to stay in tune with current and emerging trends for today’s hit songs.

Utilized by songwriters, producers, publishers, labels, and other music industry professionals, our proprietary data and analysis help subscribers hone their craft, make strategic songwriting and production decisions, spot trends, benchmark songs, and stay ahead of the curve in a fast-changing musical landscape.

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Hit Song Deconstructed Reports

The Inner-Workings of Hit Songs

Our flagship report, The Hit Song Deconstructed Report provides unparalleled insight into the inner-workings of a current chart-topping hit. Leaving no stone unturned, you will learn what makes the song so effective and come away with an array of tools and techniques to help you channel your unique creativity for success.

Each report is presented in a practical, easy to follow manner through a combination of commentary, charts, graphs, and notation. Among the many areas covered are song structure, energy, genres and influences, instruments and accompaniment, harmony, vocal production and melody, lyrics, rhymes, narrative, Top 10 benchmarking and more.

Hit Song Deconstructed Videos

A Section-by-Section Walkthrough of a Chart-Topping Hit

These videos take you on a section-by-section walkthrough – from intro to outro – of the songwriting and production techniques used to craft a chart-topping hit.

Videos are led by Hit Songs Deconstructed co-founder, David Penn, they are approximately one hour long, and each section is visualized with its arrangement in Logic Pro X.

The IMMERSION Database

Analytics You Won't Find Anywhere Else

IMMERSION is your gateway to understanding the mainstream music scene at the compositional level. With a focus on the Billboard Hot 100 Top 10, IMMERSION provides you with an array of tools to stay in tune with current and emerging trends for today’s hits.

Why the Billboard Hot 100 Top 10? Because these are the songs that are most successful and reflect the pulse of today’s mainstream music in the US.

Updated weekly as songs enter the Top 10, this robust, fully interactive database houses proprietary data for the compositional characteristics of these songs, as well as related industry data for songwriters, artists, producers and record labels.

The Quarterly Trend Report

A snapshot of Billboard Hot 100 Top 10 Trends

Published on a quarterly basis, this report delivers a concise, data-driven snapshot of Billboard Hot 100 Top 10 compositional and industry trends.

Among the many topics covered are compositional trends such as genres, influences, instruments, tempo, key and song structure characteristics. On the industry side, we cover an array of artist, writer and label trends such as chart performance (staying power, placement, and prominence), single artist vs. featured artists, songwriter/artist collaborations and more.
