

A Case Study on Melodies and Hooks

What does just about every chart-topping hit have in common? Super-infectious hooks, of course!

This video case study will take you on a deep dive into Butter’s melody and hooks.


to create music that competes at the highest levels through a deeper understanding of today’s hits.


Fuel your inspiration with the techniques that helped today’s most successful songs become global hits.




  • Hit Song Deconstructions (includes access 50+  library,  segments are published every two weeks)
  • Quarterly Hit Song Logic Projects (includes access 40+ Logic project library)
  • Searchable Hit Song Technique Library (100+ techniques for Top 10 hits)
  • Reference Track Search (mix and match 200+ compositional filters to find Top 10 hits with very specific compositional characteristics
  • Compositional Profiles for Hot 100 Top 10 Songs (includes key compositional characteristics, links to lyrics/Spotify, official video and more)
  • Weekly Articles
  • 10% of Workshops and Masterclasses

Unparalleled insight into the craft and trends behind today’s hits.





  • Hit Song Deconstructions (includes access 50+  library, segments are published every two weeks)
  • Quarterly Hit Song Logic Projects (includes access 40+ Logic project library)
  • Quarterly Trend Reports (100+ page reports that deliver  easy-to-digest analysis of the trends driving each quarter’s most successful songs – and the players behind them)
  • Searchable Hit Song Technique Library (100+ techniques for Top 10 hits)
  • Compositional Analytics (100+ compositional trend searches for Billboard Hot 100 Top 10 hits going back to 2013)
  • Artist, Songwriter, Producer and Label Database (who charted in the Billboard Hot 100 Top 10)
  • Benchmark Tool (compare and contrast compositional characteristics across songs, artists, songwriters, producers and labels)
  • Reference Track Search (mix and match 200+ compositional filters to find Top 10 hits with very specific compositional characteristics
  • Compositional Profiles for Hot 100 Top 10 Songs (includes key compositional characteristics, links to lyrics/Spotify, official video and more)
  • Weekly Articles
  • 15% of Workshops and Masterclasses